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Posted: July 18, 2014

Get Moving Winnipeg! It’s Fringe Friday!!

Let’s go Winnipeg! Let’s get moving! Today is Fringe Friday! What better way is there to kick off your weekend than as a winner!? Throughout the week we’ve been able to distribute a bushel of show passes to a handful of lucky Fringer’s. Today we are pleased to give away a bigger prize.

The people of the Winnipeg Fringe Theater Festival were kind enough to provide us with a pair of VIP 6 Passes for the 2014 Fringe Festival. What is a VIP 6 Pass you say?

A VIP 6 Pass entitles the winner to six free admissions (a maximum of two tickets can be redeemed for any single performance). The passes can be redeemed in advance or at the door.

To participate in this, and other contests, be sure to follow King’s Transfer on both Twitter and Facebook. One pass will be given away on each. Both draws will happen at 4:00 (or slightly thereafter). As with past contests, it might help if you keep your Fringe Program handy. Then again – maybe it won’t. Good luck!

Follow us on Twitter here.

Like us on Facebook here.

Hopefully, we can help you catch a moving piece of theater!